New Year, New Relationship

The Key to More Peace

Wouldn’t we all like a little more peace in our lives? I know I would.

Often, we try to tackle everything on our own. Why? Why not ask for help from The One who has all of the answers?

Or maybe you are asking Him for help but think you aren’t getting any answers. Well, we all know that sometimes the answer is to wait.

But there is another reason you might not be getting the answers you are looking for.

Take a moment to consider your relationship with Christ. If you are a believer, you know that Christ lives in you and through you.

But sin can still separate you from God, even if you are a believer. Without conviction and repentance, we build a wall between our hearts and God’s hand.

Maybe we are resisting the Holy Spirit’s conviction because we want to keep on doing what we want to and ignore the fact that is wrong. We want to hold on to those things that we believe bring us pleasure.

But if we are truthful with ourselves, we do feel that inkling that is telling us what we are doing is not right. But the more we ignore it, the harder it is hear, and before you know it, you don’t even need a justification to keep doing whatever it is that you are doing.

Just because you are a believer and have accepted Christ into your heart doesn’t mean that you will never have desires to do things that are not in accordance with His Word. Believers don’t join some magical world where we never sin again, never have wrongful thoughts or actions. We still live in a wicked world.

But Christ lives in you and through you. Jesus prayed for future believers, hoping that we'd embrace the glory given to Him, and enjoy a relationship just as closely as He did with His Father

We as believers are able to start each day knowing that we are saints, we are indwelt by the Son of God and that everything we need for each day is fully prepared and available to us because He is in control of our life.

“Saints?”, you say. Yes, you heard it right—saints! It's not about halos; it's about being redeemed by Jesus and having Him live His life through us.

Why? Why did He come to live His life through us? Because He knows we cannot live this life alone. Also, because it it is the way He works in the lives of unbelievers.

He came to live in us because He wants an intimate, personal relationship with us.

The way we keep that relationship personal and close is to keep sin from building a wall or blocking the path between us and our Heavenly Father.

We have to admit our failures and confess our inadequacies. We have to believe that Jesus is sufficient to meet our every need and surrender our life, our thoughts, and our plans to Him.

We must realize we cannot depend on our own strengths and abilities to live this life. We must continually yield our will to Him.

Would you rather struggle through life on your own or walk through life with the power of Christ in you?